I desperately want Chris Crocker to go away. He made a video of himself defending a sinking ship in "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!". Just in case you thought he was acting in the video, you should see his bedroom. Naturally, looking like a fool made him an internet phenomenom. He has gained over nine million accumalative views from that single video and was recently signed to make a TV show based on his life living with his grandmother.
I'm not homophobic but he creeps me out to no end. Everytime I see a clip of him pop up while browsing Youtube, I have to turn off the moniter before I punch the moniter. He is an assault on the senses and should be put down. Especially after seeing a certain video he made with his brother a few months ago. See a copy of it here, realise that some people are sick in the head and then go cry in a dark corner. He deleted the original to protect his image but some people managed to mirror the film. It's disgusting and wrong and is one of the reasons I hate him. His twisted views are another reason to wish you had the ability to just lock someone up and throw away the key. He once led a debate on why gay people shouldn't be allowed to fight in the war. Because they're gay, you see- yeah, that's a strong argument.
There's another mirrored video of his, deleted for obvious reasons, with an added petition to boycott everything Chris Crocker related here:
I hate him and he should be shot. From a cannon. Into the sun. He is highly opinionated and is almost always wrong. I don't hate him because he's gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I've noticed that some jackass is stealing my posts. There's this Turkish site which I'm not sure if I should link to, which is taking some of my latest posts. It even took the Wayne's World clip I made. The site is plastered in Google ads so someone is cleary making (very little) money on my work. Here it is in all it's ugly glory.
I might as well upload a new video every Friday. It's not that new though. I made the following clip about 3 years old and is one of the first videos I created in Lego. The sound is fairly poor and the lighting isn't much better. The movie was created for a college movie quiz. I tried to recreate the video shot-for-shot, and ended up showing a small amount of Superman perfect for confusing quiz attendees in a "Guess The Movie" round.
If I remember correctly, some of the incorrect answers included 'Alive', 'Airplane' and 'Con Air'. It amazes me that some people can't recognise the Superman themetune. They must be very comfortable living under that rock of theirs. Oh, that's right- I went there. Hard hitting journalism at it's best ladies and gentlemen.
God is everywhere. He's even online. And He’s popular. GodTube.com, which has more than just a passing similarity to a certain YouTube, has a 973% growing rate each month. Newsweek says it's "The hottest site on the Internet", whatever that means. GodTube’s 3 million unique visitors have added over 800,000 hours of video, all religion based. It's got what YouTube’s got, but with a strange religious twist.
To be honest, I find this level of devotion extreme and sometimes,incredibly funny. Yes, I go to church but I don't believe everything in the bible. Apparently, and you ask Sherri Shepard this, but the world is flat. Yeah, and dinosaurs and people co-existed too. That must've been fun. It all happened ten thousand years ago too. I've never read the bible. It's too boring. It's missing all the common scientific facts, an arch-nemesis to the story and exciting car chases.
It's been a year today since Top Gear's Richard Hammond was seriously injured in a high speed Vampire dragster crash. At first, there was a fear of serious brain damage but luckily he has made a full recovery and is back driving really fast cars.
Read Hammond's own article about the day he almost died in The Mirror online here. You can see the footage with Hammond giving a step by step of the accident here on Top Gear. Terrifying stuff.
Pictured on the right is the helmet the saved his life.
To celebrate his full return to health, here is a small selection of the best Top Gear moments:
Aygo Football: Link The Atom: Link Bond Car On A Budget: Link Car Underwater: Part 1, 2 Caravan Jump: Part 1, 2 Grannies Handbrake Parking: Part 1, 2 Killing A Toyota: Part 1, 2, 3 Limousine Challenge: Part 1, 2 Parachute: Link
In America: Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Polar Adventure: Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Top Gear of the Pops: Part 1, 2
Richard Hammond's car smacking his own car: Link Richard Hammond's first interview on Jonathon Ross: Link Richard Hammond's inability to drive by hypnosis: Link
Asyoumay have noticed, it's Internation Talk Like A Pirate Day today. As far as I know it's the second most popular annual event, second only to Christmas.
Sherri Shepherd, one of the c-hosts on women's daytime TV show "The View" was asked by the new host Whoppi Goldberg, whether or not she thinks the world is flat. She doesn't believe in evolution and never in her life wondered about it.
She can't be bothered thinking about when it's not important to feeding her children. Good point. She believes that everything was created by God. Well, that's according to a book written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John -the most typically English names in existance. Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, aren't they? All I know is that there's no questioning her roundness.
I'm currently looking at moving to Wordpress. It's all the rage these days. There's just a lot of format changes I need to look at: themes, layout, and video issues in transfering. Give me a week and I'll see what I can do.
From left: Looney Tunes (Season 1-3), Animaniacs (Season 1-3), Batman Season (Season 1-4), Superman (Season 1-3), Justice League (Season 1-2), Justice League Unlimited (Season 1-2).
I bought almost every single one of them in a half-price sale on Amazon.com last month. As you can see, I am rather of fond of cartoons.That does not make any less of man. Errr... how about that local sports team?
Now, that's the Liverpool I remember! Win all the important matches and then barely manage a point against losers like Portsmouth. I mean, who are they? Nobodies, that's who. What have they ever achieved? Nothing. It happened in 2002 when they last topped the table and lost against Tottenham, who were low in morale and looking for a competent manager at that point. Anyways, here are the highlights from Saturday's match:
I'm in the process of purchasing a reissue of the 1989/1990 Adidas shirt as seen on the right. Adidas released this limited edition replica to celebrate their return to producing jerseys for the pool. You can buy the shirt here. I found a great top ten Kop jersey list on Being Sven.
"Good Life" by Kanye West feat everybody's favourite robot voice, T-Pain. The video was made by Jonas & Francois, the same guys who did the fantastic Justice: "D.A.N.C.E." video which was my SOTW a few weeks back:
A equally brilliant song and video by Beirut called "Nantes":
I'll update this at a later time when the huge headache I currently have goes away. See my previous SOTW posts here.
*Warning- Spoilers* After being thrown into a new prison at the end of the last season, Michael Schofield and his new crew are taking it in a new, modern direction.