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Wednesday 7 November 2007

Everything You Wanted To Know About The Vajingo * But Were Afraid To Ask...

With the help of a cuddly toy, Tyra Banks are her friends show us... interesting stuff. She's speaking to women as if they don't even know it's there, which scares me.

The educational prop reminded me of a cool toy service Rick found. Every kid will want one come Christmas time (which is now, for some wicked reason). Here's a promo picture for Giant Microbes:

You can buy a cuddly toy version of: The Common Cold, The Flu, Sore Throat, Stomach Ache, Cough, Ear Ache, Bad Breath, Kissing Disease, Athlete’s Foot, Ulcer, Martian Life, Beer & Bread, Black Death, Ebola, Flesh Eating, Sleeping Sickness, Dust Mite, Bed Bug, and Bookworm (and in our Professional line: H.I.V. and Hepatitis). Who wouldn't want the whole darn collection.

People might actually think you are sick in the head, though.

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